The Life & Thought of Friedrich Hayek

Description: The 20th century witnessed the unparalleled expansion of government power over the lives and livelihoods of individuals. Much of this was the result of two devastating world wars and totalitarian ideologies that directly challenged individual liberty and the free institutions of the open society. Other forms of expansion in the provision of social welfare […]

Tiger by the Tail

F.A. Hayek said that his biggest regret in a lifetime of writing was that he never wrote a book-length refutation of Keynesian economics. He seriously doubted that Keynesian style planning would ever captivate governments, so he focused on different things. Economist Sudha Shenoy decided to rectify the problem. As a Hayek scholar, she noted that […]

The Road to Serfdom (.pdf version)

Finally, here is an edition of Road to Serfdom that does justice to its monumental status in the history of liberty. It contains a foreword by the editor of the Hayek Collected Works, Bruce Caldwell. Caldwell has added helpful explanatory notes and citation corrections, among other improvements. For this reason, the publisher decided to call this “the […]

Individualism and Economic Order

If you are looking to acquaint yourself with F.A. Hayek‘s perspective on economic theory–beyond his business cycle and monetary studies of the interwar years–this is the best source. The collection appeared in 1947, before he moved on toward broader culturaland social investigations. It contains his most profound work on the liberal economic order, and his […]

A Biography of Friedrich August von Hayek

Friedrich August von Hayek was a prominent and influential member of the Austrian School of economics who described himself as a classical liberal. F.A. Hayek was emphatically opposed to government efforts at economic management, which he saw as both futile and a threat to human freedom. However, he distinguished himself from free-market absolutists by allowing a […]